St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Union Grove, WI
Wicks Pipe Organ Company
Highland, IN
Op. 3873; 1958
II/14, 38 stops - Drawknob
Great Manual I Exposed Swell Manual II Expressive Pedal
8 Principal Rank 1 8 Stopped Flute Rank 8 32 Lieblich Gedeckt 1-12 electric
8 Nason Flute Rank 2 8 Salicional Rank 9 16 Diapason wired, R14
8 Gemshorn Rank 3 8 Voix Celeste (tc) Rank 10 16 Bourdon ext. R8
8 Dolcan Rank 4 4 Flauto Traverso Rank 11 8 Principal Rank 14
4 Prestant Rank 5 4 Violina ext. R9 8 Flute (Gt)
4 Flute ext. R2 2-2/3 Nazard wired, R11 8 Gedeckt (Sw)
4 Gemshorn ext. R3 2 Harmonic Piccolo ext. R11 8 Gemshorn (Gt)
4 Dolcan ext. R4 8 Trompette Rank 12 8 Dolcan (Gt)
2-2/3 Twelfth Rank 6 8 Schalmei Rank 13 5-1/3 Quint (Sw)
2-2/3 Gemshorn ext. R3 4 Clarion ext. 12 4 Choral Bass (Gt)
2 Fifteenth Rank 7 Tremolo 4 Gedeckt (Sw)
2 Gemshorn ext. R3 Swell 4 Mixture III wired
1-3/5 Gemshorn wired, R3 Swell Unison Off 16 Trumpet prep.
Tremolo Swell 16 8 Trumpet (Sw)
Chimes 20 Bars 4 Clarion (Sw)
Great 4
Great Unison Off
Great 16
The organ has a full complement of couplers including MIDI to each manual and pedal, Pedal to each manual, and Manual Transfer.
The organ also has a Der Zimbelstern.